Security Home Mail fetch Hub

Secure, anonymous, domestic home Mail fetch Hub MTA/MUA

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Home Mail Hub

To date, these of a mobile device of any e-mail application known brands as Google Mail, Yandex Mail, MailRu, Microsoft Mail, etc. - transmit your sensitive data, including network routing table, including the IP address of your ISP, IP address VPN, and GEO coordinates on the basis of the IP address, or GPS.

Home security mail fetch hub 0

Change this situation possible.

First of all, stop using the original e-mail clients from the postal service aggregators. The next step, the installation of an intermediary for the delivery and receipt of e-mail messages that should do the following:

1. When sending a message:

2. When you receive a message:

All of the above and some additional security features implemented in HomeMailHub.
The app is absolutely free, contains no advertising or other “tabs”, distributed as OpenSource with available source code.

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